
Chan eil freumh-fhaclachd aig an duilleag seo. An urrainn dhuibh i cur ris?

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Riochdair seilbheach


  1. an dara pearsa singilte, neo-fhoirmeil: do, d', t'
    • This room is yours while you are here.
  2. an dara pearsa singilte, fhoirmeil: ur, ur n-
    • Our house is yours throughout your visit, madam.
  3. an dara pearsa iomarra: ur, ur n-
    • The red notebooks are yours, but the green one is the teacher's.

Faclan co-cheangailte

Ceanglaichean-lìn leth a-mach

Uicleir Beurla: yours
Uicipeid Beurla: yours