The {{Crossreference}} template formats text into a standardized style for an inline (not block-level) "(See also ...)"-type parenthetical Wikipedia crossreference to other Wikipedia material. When on different pages, these are unprintworthy Wikipedia self-references. When crossreferencing material on the same page, they are not. For block-level crossreferences, see the {{Hatnote}} meta-template and its various progeny ({{See also}}, etc.). The output is ultimately produced by Mòideal:Hatnote inline.

See Roinn-seòrsa:Cross-reference templates for other templates derived from or similar to this template.

Ùsaid - Usage


Basic crossreference to another page:

Markup Renders as
{{Crossreference|(See also {{enUici|Radical Whigs|Radical Whigs}}.)}} 
(See also Radical Whigs.)

Basic crossreference on same page:

Markup Renders as
{{Crossreference|selfref=no|(see [[#Parameters]])}} 
(see #Parameters)

All parameters:

Markup Renders as
{{Crossreference|text|class=class1 class2|selfref=no}}}} 

The meta-template does not automatically create links of any kind. Links and other desired formatting (round brackets, terminal punctuation) must be explicitly added, using normal Wikipedia markup.

Paramadairean - Parameters


This template accepts the following parameters:

  • |1= or |text= or |content= – The cross-reference text (required). While the explicit naming of this parameter with 1=, text=, or content= is not required, it is always safest to use it this way, since any = character in the text will break the template if the parameter is unnamed.
  • |class= or |extraclasses= – Any extra CSS classes to be added. This should not normally be used.
  • |selfref=no – If set to no (or n, false, 0, etc.) removes the default CSS class selfref, used to denote unprintworthy self-references to Wikipedia (see Template:Selfref for more information). This option should not be used on cross-article links, only links within the same article (and the shorthand templates {{See above}} and {{See below}} can be used for this purpose). The parameter aliases |printworthy=yes (or with any other value, like y, true, 1, etc.) and |unprintworthy=no (or n, false, 0) have the same effect as |selfref=no.

Faic cuideachd - Also see

Teamplaid-dàta - TemplateData


formats text into a standardized style for an inline (not block-level) "(See also ...)"-type parenthetical Wikipedia crossreference to other Wikipedia material.

Paramadairean na teamplaide[Stiùirich an TemplateData]

Is fhearr leis an teamplaid seo fòrmatadh nam paramadairean am broinn na loidhne.

texttext 1 content

gun tuairisgeul

Chan eil fhiosroghainneil
CSS classesclass extraclasses

gun tuairisgeul

Chan eil fhiosroghainneil
printworthyprintworthy selfref

gun tuairisgeul
