- the language code (puts entry into the correct category), e.g.,
- If the language code is not supplied, the invoking page is sent to Roinn-seòrsa:chan eil cànan ann/Riochdairean.
- typ Specifies the type of pronoun. Use either the Gaelic or English abbreviation (in boldface below) to define the typ parameter.
- neoni / null = neoni (null)
- anafor / anaphor = anaforach (anaphoric)
- ath-aithris|resump = ath-aithriseach (resumptive)
- cainn / quant = cainnichte (quantified)
- ceil / cov = ceilte (covert)
- ceist / inter = ceisteach (interrogative)
- cinnt / def = cinnteach (definite)
- claon / clit = claonach (clitic)
- clisgr / excl = clisgreach (exclamative)
- co-àir / incl = co-àireamhach (inclusive)
- co-chèil / recip = co-chèileach (reciprocal)
- dàimh / rel = dàimheach ( relative)
- dì-naisg / disj = dì-naisgeil (disjunctive)
- eòl / fam = riochd eòlach (familiar form of pronoun)
- féin / refl = féineach (reflexive)
- logafor / logophor = logaforach (logophoric)
- naisg / conj = naisgeil (conjunctive)
- neo-chinnt / indef = neo-chinnteach (indefinite)
- pears / pers = pearsanta (personal)
- roinn / distr = roinneach (distributive)
- ro-riochd / prep = ro-riochdair (prepositional)
- ro-thagr / prolept = ro-thagrach (proleptic)
- sealbh / seilbh / poss = seilbheach (possessive)
- sònrach / sòn / dem = sònrachaidh (demonstrative)
- suib / suibseig / subj = suibseigeach (subjective)
- urra / resp = urraim (pronoun of respect)
Faic cuideachd - Also see