The following is a list of grants with their associated access to user rights. Users can authorize applications to use their account, but with limited permissions based on the grants the user gave to the application. An application acting on behalf of a user cannot actually use rights that the user does not have however.
There may be additional information about individual rights.
Grant | Rights |
Basic rights (basic) | - Automatically log in with an external user account
- Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
- Bypass global IP blocks
- Cead bacaidhean IP, bacaidhean fèin-obrachail 's bacaidhean rainse a leigeil seachad
- Cead deasachaidhean beaga a dhèanamh air duilleagan deasbaid gun bhrodadh airson teachdaireachdan ùra a chruthachadh
- Cead duilleagan air an toirt far a' chlàir-fhaire a shealltainn
- Cead gun dèid comharra freiceadain a chur ris na deasachaidhean agad fhèin gu fèin-obrachail
- Cead gus duilleagan le dìon "Na ceadaich ach cleachdaichean a chaidh an dearbhadh gu fèin-obrachail" a dheasachadh
- Cead gus na comharran freiceadain o chionn goirid a shealltainn
- Cead-leughaidh
- Gun chuingeachadh air tricead nan gnìomhan a-rèir IP
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- View abuse filters
- View detailed abuse log entries
- View the abuse log
High-volume (bot) access (highvolume) | - Cead crìochan as àirde le ceistean API a chleachdadh
- Cead dèiligeadh ri deasachaidhean rolaidh air ais 'nan deasachaidhean bota
- Ceadan pròiseis fèin-obrachail aige
- Gun chuingeachadh air tricead nan gnìomhan
- Send a message to multiple users at once
Import revisions (import) | - Cead duilleagan ion-phortadh o luchdadh suas faidhle
- Cead duilleagan ion-phortadh o uicidhean eile
Edit existing pages (editpage) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Atharraich cànan nan duilleagan
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Change Item terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)
- Change Property terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)
- Create Item redirects
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Merge Items
Edit protected pages (editprotected) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Bypass blocked external domains
- Bypass the spam block list
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead gus duilleagan le dìon "Na ceadaich ach rianadairean" a dheasachadh
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers"
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors"
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users"
- Edit pages with potential legal consequences
- Edit protected templates
- Edit restricted pages
- Move pages with stable versions
- Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
Edit your user CSS/JSON/JavaScript (editmycssjs) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead gus faidhlichean CSS agad fhèin a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean JSON agad fhèin a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean JavaScript agad fhèin a dheasachadh
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
Edit your user preferences and JSON configuration (editmyoptions) | - Cead gus faidhlichean JSON agad fhèin a dheasachadh
- Cead na roghainnean agad fhèin a dheasachadh
Edit the MediaWiki namespace and sitewide/user JSON (editinterface) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead gus eadar-aghaidh nan cleachdaichean a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean JSON càich a dheasachadh
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Edit sitewide JSON
Edit sitewide and user CSS/JS (editsiteconfig) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead gus eadar-aghaidh nan cleachdaichean a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean CSS càich a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean JSON càich a dheasachadh
- Cead gus faidhlichean JavaScript càich a dheasachadh
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Edit sitewide CSS
- Edit sitewide JSON
- Edit sitewide JavaScript
Create, edit, and move pages (createeditmovepage) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead duilleagan a ghluasad
- Cead duilleagan a ghluasad leis na fo-dhuilleagan aca
- Cead duilleagan chleachdaichean root a ghluasad
- Cead duilleagan deasbaireachd a chruthachadh
- Cead duilleagan roinn-seòrsa a ghluasad
- Cead gun a bhith a' cruthachadh ath-stiùiridhean o na duilleagan tùsail nuair a ghluaisear duilleag
- Cead-cruthachaidh (de dhuilleagan nach eil 'nan duilleagan deasbaireachd)
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Create Properties
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Delete single revision redirects
Upload new files (uploadfile) | - Cead faidhlichean a luchdadh suas
- Cead sgrìobhadh thairis air faidhlichean a tha ann ma a chaidh an luchdadh suas leis an dearbh neach
Upload, replace, and move files (uploadeditmovefile) | - Cead faidhlichean a ghluasad
- Cead faidhlichean a luchdadh suas
- Cead faidhlichean a luchdadh suas o URL
- Cead faidhlichean a thar-àithneadh gu h-ionadail a tha san ionad-tasgaidh nam meadhanan co-roinnte
- Cead gun a bhith a' cruthachadh ath-stiùiridhean o na duilleagan tùsail nuair a ghluaisear duilleag
- Cead sgrìobhadh thairis air duilleagan a tha ann
- Cead sgrìobhadh thairis air faidhlichean a tha ann ma a chaidh an luchdadh suas leis an dearbh neach
- Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again
Patrol changes to pages (patrol) | - Cead comharra freiceadain a chur ri deasachaidhean càich
Rollback changes to pages (rollback) | - Cead gus na h-atharraichean leis a' chleachdaiche mu dheireadh air duilleag sònraichte a roladh air ais gu luath
Block and unblock users (blockusers) | - Cead cleachdaiche a bhacadh o chur phost-d
- Cead càch a bhacadh o dheasachadh
View deleted files and pages (viewdeleted) | - Cead lorg sna duilleagan air an sguabadh às
- Cead nithean an eachdraidh a chaidh a sguabadh às a shealltainn gun an teacsa ceangailte riutha
- Cead teacsa 's atharraichean eadar mùthaidhean air an sguabadh às a shealltainn
View restricted log entries (viewrestrictedlogs) | - Cead logaichean prìobhaideach a shealltainn
- View abuse filters marked as private
- View hidden abuse log entries
- View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
- View the disallowed titles list log
- View the spam block list log
Delete pages, revisions, and log entries (delete) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead duilleagan a sguabadh às
- Cead duilleagan aig a bheil eachdraidh mòr a sguabadh às
- Cead duilleagan air an sguabadh às aiseag
- Cead lorg sna duilleagan air an sguabadh às
- Cead mùthaidhean sònraichte aig duilleagan a sguabadh às 's aiseag
- Cead nithean an eachdraidh a chaidh a sguabadh às a shealltainn gun an teacsa ceangailte riutha
- Cead nithean sònraichte an loga a sguabadh às 's aiseag
- Cead teacsa 's atharraichean eadar mùthaidhean air an sguabadh às a shealltainn
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
- Mass delete pages
Hide users and suppress revisions (oversight) | - Hide entries in the abuse log
- Seall na mùthaidhean a tha falaichte o chleachdaiche sam bith
- Seall, falaich 's neo-fhalaich mùthaidhean sònraichte de dhuilleagan o chleachdaiche sam bith
Protect and unprotect pages (protect) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Cead comharra a chur nach e ach deasachadh beag a th' ann
- Cead gus duilleagan le dìon "Na ceadaich ach rianadairean" a dheasachadh
- Cead leibheilean an dìona atharrachadh 's duilleagan le dìon o bhith mar eas a dheasachadh
- Cead-deasachaidh
- Deasaich modail susbaint duilleige
View your watchlist (viewmywatchlist) | - Cead an clàr-faire agad fhèin a shealltainn
Edit your watchlist (editmywatchlist) | - Cead an clàr-faire agad fhèin a dheasachadh. Thoir an aire gun cuir cuid a gnìomhan duilleagan ris fiù 's mur eil an cead seo agad.
Send email to other users (sendemail) | - Cead gus puist-d a chur gu cleachdaichean eile
Create accounts (createaccount) | - Cead cunntasan ùra a chruthachadh
- Override the disallowed usernames list
- Tar-àithn an dearbhadh nach dèid car a thoirt às
Access private information (privateinfo) | - Cead an dàta prìobhaideach agad fhèin (m.e. seòladh puist-d, fìor-ainm) a shealltainn
Merge page histories (mergehistory) | - Cead eachdraidh nan duilleagan a cho-aonachadh
Create short URLs (shortenurls) | - Create short URLs
Globally block or unblock a user (globalblock) | - Make and remove global blocks
Manage global account status (setglobalaccountstatus) | - Lock or unlock global account
- Suppress or hide global account
Forcibly create a local account for a global account (createlocalaccount) | - Forcibly create a local account for a global account
Manage your OAuth clients (oauthmanageownclient) | - Manage OAuth grants
- Propose new OAuth consumers
- Update OAuth consumers you control
Access two-factor authentication (OATH) information for self and others (oath) | - Query and validate OATH information for self and others
- Verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled
Access checkuser data (checkuser) | - Check users' IP addresses and other information
- View the checkuser log
Access checkuser data for temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account) | - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
- View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to check the preference
- View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses
These additional grants are applicable to OAuth consumers.