Roinn-seòrsa:Taxobox articles missing a Taxonbar
This is a maintenance category for articles utilizing {{Taxobox/core}} or a related template, and are strong candidates for requiring a {{Taxonbar}} elsewhere on the page. These pages' Wikidata items have been found with an acceptable eisimpleir de (P31). If systematic examples are found where a {{Taxonbar}} is often required, but are not included in this category, then they should be included programatically, if possible.
Please discuss at Template talk:Taxonbar#New Taxonbar cleanup category proposal.
Pages in this category should only be added by Mòideal:Taxonbar/candidate.
Faic cuideachd - Also see
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Chan eil duilleagan no meadhanan san roinn-seòrsa seo an-dràsta.